Home Screen


The Home Screen is where the technician will land immediately after logging into the app. The Home Screen allows the technician to access every area of the app & is broken down by various cards: Time Card, Work Orders, Parts & Requests.

Time Card

The Time Card section is where the technician can clock in and out for the day, lunch, personal or after hours. As well as submit their daily time card and review daily/weekly time cards.

Work Orders

This provides the technician with an overview count of what is currently in their WIP (Work In Progress). After selecting View List, the app will take the technician to the WIP screen where they can manage their lists of work orders. NOTE: Completed work orders will show for about 24 hours after completion and then be automatically removed from the WIP screen.


Parts List overview can be viewed from the Home Screen. The list includes the Part Location(s) name, the total quantity parts and the last sync date/time. To look further into Parts, select [View List]. To learn more about the Parts List screen click here

NOTE: A parts quantity on hand is a snapshot of the inventory levels at a specific time, and is not a dynamic representation of changes in real time. Technicians do not need to clock out and back in of the app to load their parts. The list of current parts within a technician's assigned Part Location(s) will sync upon Clock In at the beginning of the day. If they need to reload the parts list, they can click the ‘refresh’ icon in the top, right corner of the View List Parts screen & resync.

NOTE: If your business system supports bin locations your HQ will be automatically updated in Admin>Parts. TIP: Technicians can request for a restock of part(s) and/or view availability of a part from another location. Press [Restock] to submit a part restock request. Press the 'eye' icon to view availability of the part from other locations.

Technicians can utilize the filter options at the top of the parts list screen by selecting one or more of the filter options:

  1. Part Location
  2. Quantity on Hand: All, Greater than 0 or Equals 0
  3. Sort by: Part Number, Part Description or Bin

Request to Restock Parts

Technicians can submit restock requests for one or more parts. These requests are available in HQ under Service>Part Requests. To view only restock requests, use the 'Type' filter and select 'Restock,' which will display the relevant entries in the table.

  1. From the Home screen, press [View List] in the Parts card.

  2. Using the search box, enter partial or whole part number or partial description then press [Search]. Or, scroll through the list to locate the relevant part number. Press [Restock] next to the part .

  3. The part number and description is auto populated, enter the quantity to restock and press [Submit].


The Requests section allows the technician to view the list and details of a request. Press [View List] and this allows the technician to view any Equipment, Part or Rental Request, Quote & Sales Lead submitted. To view the details of a request: who it is assigned to in HQ, any comments made on the request and other information specific to that request, simply select the request they wish to view details on and the details screen will pop up. TIP: the technician can comment on these requests by selecting the + icon within the Comments card of the details screen. These comments are not visible to customers, only to technicians and HQ users.

To request more work, submit: a quote, rental request or sales lead outside of the WIP, simply select the + icon within the Requests Card on the Home Screen, enter the required information and submit. TIP: If requesting a quote or sales lead, first select the location by pressing the Change button in the top right, then utilize the search bar to locate the customer or location.


Press the magnifying glass at the top, right corner to search by a specific piece of equipment or to search for a location. Searching by location displays the location details: Bill To customer name & address. After selecting a location, the technician can view all open work orders for the respective location. From this screen they can then request the work order to be assigned to them. Click here to learn more about Equipment search. Click here to learn more about Location search.

QR Codes

If enabled for your company, select the QR Code icon to start scanning a QR Code and view scan history. Click here to learn more about QR Codes.


Click the bell icon at the top, right corner to open notifications (i.e. new work order, part request comment, etc.) that will be displayed here.  To view the list, press [View List]. Click here to learn how to delete notifications.

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