Customer Review

Once the Technician has reviewed the work order and is ready to have the customer sign, they will move to Customer Review. This is where the technician can explain to the customer what they have done, show them the checklist (if applicable), and upsell the customer on any additional repairs. 

Within the Customer Review screen the technician can edit work performed notes, labor or travel entries.

  1. Click the 3 dots menu in the upper right corner of the screen and select Activity.

  1. From here the Technician can make any adjustments on work performed comments, labor or travel entries.

Prior to entering the Customer Review phase, Technicians are presented with three distinct choices:

1) Sign Now: This option directs technicians straight to the customer review screen, facilitating on-the-spot customer signature.

2) Sign Later: Opting for this choice transitions the work order into customer review status. This flexibility enables subsequent signature capture at a convenient time, streamlining the process for batch signing multiple work orders if necessary. Click here to learn more about Batch Signing. NOTE: If your dealership is enrolled in Tinnacity's Customer Portal and has 'Sign Work Orders' enabled, the technician will receive a prompt to 'Request Customer Signature.' This action will trigger an email notification to anyone at the relevant location who is subscribed to the 'A work order is ready for review' alert, informing them that a work order is ready for review and signature.

3) No Signature: This choice allows the Technician to finalize the work order without necessitating a signature. NOTE: If in Admin/Customers/Customer Details has 'Signature Required' enabled, this will require the customer to sign off on the work order before it can be completed. The [No Signature] button will not be available.

Once the work order has been reviewed with the customer:

  1. The customer will sign in the gray box at the bottom of the screen, enter their name, and any emails they would like to have the work order PDF delivered to. Once signed, tap the green checkmark and the work order is now complete. NOTE: The information visible to the customer, including labor and/or travel entries, quantities, and part descriptions, is configured within the 'Company Settings'.

NOTE: If the customer states they aren’t or haven't received the customer review pdf, find the work order in HQ>Service>History and select it. In the Status card, there is a "Sent Paperwork" section and the email address the pdf was sent to shows. When you hover over the email address it will show you the date and time in which the email was sent. If it did not get sent, it would show the email as red. If you need to resend the the 3 dots in the upper right and select [Email]. Enter the email address and send.

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