Service App Basics

When a technician’s account is created, their username and password is created for them in HQ>Admin>Users. Click here to learn how to create a Technician account in HQ. NOTE: The account must be activated in HQ before a technician can log into the Service app.

Activating the Technician's Account

  1. Select the 3 dots to the right of the technician's account
  2. Select Activate

Username & Password

At the Service app Login screen, the technician will enter 3 things:

  1. Account Number: Enter your company's unique HQ Account Number here.The account number can be found in HQ in Company Settings (Account Owner's can only view Company Settings) or within your profile. Click here to learn more.
  2. Username: this is manually created when creating the technician's account
  3. Password: this is manually created when creating the technician's account. NOTE: Technicians can not change their login password, this must be done within HQ. If a technician's password ever needs changed, click here to learn how.

First time login the tech will be prompted to select between Light or Dark Theme, then press [Save].

Clock In

After logging in, the technician will automatically be prompted to 'Clock In'.

The technician will then be prompted 'What are you doing now?'.

  1. Work Order: If they are going to a customer's location then they will press 'WORK ORDER' which will take them to their WIP screen where they can select the respective work order they want to apply travel and/or labor to.
  2. Administrative: Select if they are coming to the shop or working on a monthly, non-billable 'Administrative work order'. NOTE: When a single Administrative work order is assigned, its name becomes the designated 'button.' If multiple Administrative work orders are assigned, an 'Administrative' button is exhibited. Conversely, if no Administrative work order is assigned, no button will be displayed. At the ‘What are you doing now?’ prompt the technician must select the respective Administrative work order and then will be prompted ‘Are you traveling or working?’ & enter a comment for the action.

End of Day-Review and Submit

At the end of each day the technician should review and submit their time card. NOTE: Depending on your company settings, the technician may or may not have to sign their time card before they can submit it. Account Owners can figure this setting in HQ>Company Settings>Time Card Settings. Click here to learn how.

Logging out of the Service app

To log out, from the Home screen:

  1. Select the three horizontal lines in the top left.

  1. Select Log Out.

  1. A pop up will appear asking to confirm log out. If the technician is clocked in, they will be asked to clock out. NOTE: We highly recommend all technicians ensure they have a good signal and log out of the Service app at the end of the day. Logging out of the tablet will sync the data. 

  1. Select the respective reason for logging out: End of Day, Lunch or Personal

No Internet Connection

If the tablet is not able to connect to the internet a red bar will display across the top that reads 'No Internet Connection'. The Service app works very well offline, but this may result in Pending Mods on the tablet. Click here to learn more. NOTE: When the Service app is offline or has no wifi/cell signal, data is stored locally on the tablet. Once the tablet establishes a good connection, the data will start automatically synching up.

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