Work Order Details-HQ

Within HQ>Service>Dispatch, there are 2 ways to view the Dispatch screen which can be selected by clicking on the Table icon in the top right or the Cards icon, depending which view you prefer.

Card view switching to Table view
Table view switching to Card view

Dispatch Board (Card View)

  • Details can be viewed by selecting the 3 dot-menu and choosing "Details"
  • -OR- Simply click the card on the dispatch board to view the details

Dispatch Board (Table View)

  • Details can be viewed by selecting the 3 dot-menu and choosing "Details"
  • -OR- Simply click on the work order number

Work Order Details Screen

The work order details are broken down into sections via various detail cards.

Work Order Detail Cards:

  1. Location - Displays the Bill To (customer) & Ship To (location) information on the work order. Contact information will also show if provided.
  2. Equipment - Displays the associated Serial No, Customer Unit No, Internal Unit No, Make, Model and Meter (if applicable). If the work order has a checklist, the user can see the checklist by name and view details by clicking on the View button. If there are dates/times entered for Equipment In/Out, this will also show. Click here to learn more about Equipment In/Out.
  3. Status - Displays information surrounding the current status and general information gathered with the work order. These include:
    • Original WO number, if applicable (typically a TM + number if created by a technician or TMW + number via HQ)
    • Created Date
    • Work Order Type
    • Status (New, Open, Traveling, Working, Paused, Technician or Customer Review, Paperwork Complete)
    • Due Date (can modify or add)
    • Schedule Date. Click here to learn more on Scheduling
    • Priority
    • Estimated Completion Date (can be set by HQ or technicians)
    • Arrival Date/Time - when the technician first starts working on the work order (i.e. the work order changes to status of In Progress)
    • Start of First Labor
    • End of Last Labor
    • Flag Status - Work orders can be flagged with different colored flags that will display here and in the History page. These flags do not have any built-in functionality and are for viewing purposes only.
    • Technician(s) - All technicians assigned to the work order
    • Once a work order is complete, the following will display in the Status Card:
      • Sign Name, Email & Date
      • Sent Paperwork - who received a copy of the completed work order. NOTE: Once a work order is complete, HQ users can still send the completed PDF with the work order details if needed by selecting the 3 dots in the top right of the work order details screen and selecting Email
      • Paperwork Date
      • Collect Date - if integrated to back office business system, the date in which the completed information was collected.
      • Travel Back Used - The time applied to Back End Travel (after the work was completed & if enabled in HQ>Company Settings>Service Settings)
      • First-Time Fix (Yes/No)
  4. Billing-PO Number, Payment Terms, Payment Link and the Invoice Number. Click here to learn more about Payment Terms.
  5. Description-Displays the problem reported or reason for the work order
  6. Labels- Labels can be applied by technicians and by HQ users. These Labels can be created and managed in HQ>Admin>Labels only. Labels are used to help identify different characteristics about a work order. Click here to learn more.

Work Order Details Tabs (bottom of details screen):

At the bottom of a Work Order details screen, an HQ user can further view, manage & add/remove information corresponding with the Tab selected. TIP: In the top left of each tab click on the Add button to add entries relating to the Tab you are in.

  1. Labor/Travel-The labor and travel tabs on the work order will have the minimums and roundings applied and are displayed. The minimums are applied on a per tech per day basis. The actual labor and travel hours are displayed in the Activity feed. NOTE: The labor/travel entries for work orders can be different than the labor/travel applied to time cards. The time card is recording the actual time while the work order is applying minimums and roundings.
  2. Parts - Parts added to work orders display within the tab. Users can add, edit, and delete parts. 
  3. Attachments- Pictures, PDFs, etc attached to work orders by technicians will be stored in this card. Users can select the attachment to view the full resolution version and download or delete the photos. 
  4. Codes- If applicable, any Cause/Correction codes will be displayed here. Click here to learn more.
  5. Activity - The Activity card displays everything that has happened on the work order. When a technician adds labor/travel, adds a work performed comment, private comment (click here to learn more), or submits any requests, it will display in the Activity tab. NOTE: If a labor/travel entry is received on a later date, a warning will be shown below the entry. Also, if a labor/travel is edited, a warning will display for this as well. From this tab an HQ user can manually add Comments (Private or Work Performed), edit/add labor and/or travel entries, create a quote request, create a part request and assign requests to yourself or other HQ users.

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